WOMEN EMPOWERMENT vs Pseudo Feminism

EMPOWERMENT vs Pseudo Feminism

Recently a controversy related to an Instagram group conversation erupted, when a twitter account shared screen shots , where obscene message (where two juveniles planning G**gR**e kind of shit) and morphed pictures of underage girls were being shared, the controversy spread like a fire and involved DCW and police investigation, The youth broke social media with hashtags and just like many other social media trends  irrelevant events started being mixed with this controversy too, a 17 year old boy from Gurugram being accused of molestation by a juvenile girl that too for a misunderstood incident that happened 2year ago, you know what happened next all the social media heroes started torturing & sending death threats to that little boy just to show how feminist they are on their social media , they even declared him a rapist ,   nobody wanted to know the facts because social media now a days is all about fame and following , The boy committed suicide and the girl who accused him posted on IG “If he can’t handle the pressure he was weak I am not responsible for his death ”. Really?  
Being a woman and a mother of a teenage girl, I know it very well how tough it is to survive in our society and it is also a fact that now things are changing and society is accepting the thought of  “woman empowerment & feminism”  ,but some where we are crossing a thin line between empowerment and appeasement ,we are forgetting the difference between feminism and pseudo feminism. I had always taught my daughter that like bad man/boys there are bad woman/girls too, there is no point of judging people on the basis of gender , the social discipline and moral values imply on everyone .We are woman and as we all know a very famous quote “Great power comes with great responsibility” ;  We need to be more calculated about our words and actions because we are the one who create a society, we are the starting point of a whole new generation , than how can a girl be that irresponsible ? As much I believe this is not woman empowerment or feminism in any ways. I am not defending that boy, but was it not possible for that girl to discuss that incident with her own parents and to file an FIR . I mean how and when social media replaced courts ? and who gave her right to defame a person without any proof ?  & as much she is responsible for the death of that boy all those people pretending to be a feminist and fake warrior are responsible. We need to understand that thin line between feminism and pseudo feminism. We need a society with woman who are equally participating in the all-round growth of it, we don’t need girls who are busy in creating fake snapchat accounts and misuse their freedom.
“Many of us had fought in past to get the liberty and freedom that we have today please don’t let it go in vain and don’t misuse it”

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