
In this country, the way feminism has been portrayed by some modern feminists has led to a predominant perception that feminism primarily revolves around challenging men in every scenario. For many women, their life motto has boiled down to 'My Life, My Choice,' which they staunchly follow, even if it means potential consequences for their actions. They are unrelenting in embracing their inflated ego. Daily, we witness numerous instances where women are gradually distancing themselves from their innate qualities and motherhood, reducing the essence of life to simply enjoying every moment.

In their pursuit, even if it means offending someone, they do not shy away from appeasing their false sense of pride. There are countless examples that illustrate that a growing number of women are growing distant from their natural inclinations and maternal instincts, and, for them, life's purpose seems to be reveling in the present. When they encounter opposition, they tend to interpret it as economic independence filling them with unfounded pride, leading them to believe they don't need anyone and can independently handle everything.

The true essence of education, career, and freedom should empower women to become more informed and mature, enabling them to make well-informed decisions, rather than viewing every situation through a feminist lens, which is alienating them from their natural traits. A strong woman, in the authentic sense, is one who can maintain her natural self, becoming strong, skilled, self-reliant, and educated, without compromising her intrinsic identity, instead of succumbing to arrogance and distorting her sense of self in the quest for equality.

Presently, we observe a trend where the mere mention of 'feminism' prompts young girls to declare themselves as feminists, and their behavior shifts as if they have transcended their womanhood. They begin conducting themselves in a manner that doesn't align with conventional femininity or masculinity, but instead distorts their very identity in the process.

Such a distorted mindset is increasingly prevalent, conveying a misleading message to society. This is due to the support of their unfounded feminism for their inappropriate actions, leading them to believe they are right. Recently, a tragic incident came to light when a mother resorted to setting her 6-year-old daughter on fire by dousing her with sanitizer because the child didn't obey her. Reading such stories is heart-wrenching, highlighting how motherhood is being undermined and how children are being scolded for natural behavior, rather than being nurtured with affection.

Scolding children is not uncommon, but it should only be resorted to when absolutely necessary. Otherwise, overly stern or aggressive behavior disrupts their tender minds and weakens their self-esteem. The responsibility of raising children is an enormous one, making a woman more understanding and mature, rather than diminishing her maternal instincts.

As women are increasingly engaging outside the home, their femininity is under threat. Genuine strength is achieved when a woman can empower herself without losing her inherent qualities, making her competent, self-reliant, and educated, without succumbing to self-absorption. Current trends reveal that upon identifying with feminism, girls tend to start behaving in a manner that no longer aligns with traditional femininity, as if they have transcended their womanhood. They start conducting themselves in a way that neither conforms to typical femininity nor masculinity, but distorts their identity.

Many self-proclaimed feminists have propagated negative perceptions of motherhood and affection, to the extent that motherhood is perceived as burdensome. They either do not wish to become mothers, and if they do, they often refrain from taking care of their children. The side effect of this is that such incidents have become alarmingly common, leaving these feminists wondering what went wrong. Why should they raise children? Why should they understand them? Why should they pay attention to them? Such thoughts steer them away from addressing the real issues.

What is needed is a society that truly embraces gender equality, where both men and women share responsibilities in their new environment, rather than merely seeking personal enjoyment in life and later regretting their choices. This, indeed, is the fitting path to safeguard both humanity and motherhood."

This rephrased version aims to maintain the essence of the original text while offering a more authentic expression.

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